Free Rice - Clicking for Hunger

Hello Fellow World Changers!

I just found out about of this awesome website called Free Rice. It is a fun and educational way to raise awareness for malnutrition and to donate food to malnourished families. For each answer you get right, ten grains of rice are donated throughthe World Food Program to help end hunger.

It has a free sign-up and it is really easy to get an account.

1. Got to  ( and click the sign up button.

2. After filling in the needed information (you will need an email address) press REGISTER.

3. When you have created your account, you can go to the subjects button at the top of the page to view the subjects that you can do. Once you pick a subject, you will be asked to answer a question on the screen. If you answer a question correctly you will see your bowl of rice filling up on the side of your screen.

4. Join my group, The Strive Blog, to collect points together!

Happy clicking!


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